These Animals That Eat Berries Look Terrifying After They Are Done Eating

animals that eat berries

These terrifying animals that eat berries aren’t zombies. For the majority of creatures in the animal kingdom, including the most fierce carnivore, eating the calories from the sweet berry could be tempting enough to resist. The raspberries and strawberries shown here are safe for the majority of these terrifying creatures to devour.

If you’ve got fruits or berries in your backyard and notice an odd animal that is acting bizarrely in the fall or early winter months, they could be drunk! Alcohol is formed in fruits and berries when they begin to ferment after the first frosts. Animals who consume them have been known to be a little drunk.

I found these pictures depicting animals that eat berries terrifying. With their sharp, sharp teeth, the red color of the berries makes these cute scary movie characters appear as if they’ve been drinking blood. Which of these frightening pictures is your favorite? Have you got any berry eating-gore photos of your pets?

#1 Strawberries! Num Num

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#2 A Snail Trying To Eat a Strawberry In One Bite

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#3 Rabbit Chomping Raspberries

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Harries Universe

#4 Turtle Devouring a Strawberry

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Miss March

#5 Guinea Pig After Eating Berries

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#6 Tortoise Eating Strawberries

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#7 Devil Lemurs!

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#8 Guinea Pig After Strawberry Lunch

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#9 What Cherries Does To a Rabbit

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#10 Little Tortoise Going For a Strawberry

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#11 Post-Strawberry Rabbit

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#12 Strawberry Lipstick

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#13 Cat Eating Strawberry

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#14 Dragons Love To Make a Mess With Raspberries

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#15 Sugar Decided To Try Strawberries Today

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#16 Frenchie Also Wanted To Try Strawberries

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#17 Devouring The Strawberry

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#18 Raspberries Or Blood!!

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#19 aaaarghh Strawberries!

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#20 Prairie Dog Having a Strawberry

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#21 Hamster Trying To Swallow a Strawberry

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#22 Raspberries Made This Bearded Dragon a Fine Lady!

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