16 Times People Hilariously Failed at Recreating Pinterest Crafts at Home


“Pinterest is a magical place. It’s full of aesthetically pleasing homes, perfectly organized office spaces, seasonal crafts that will leave your house looking adorable year-round, and simple projects that can spruce up your garden. But how often do you actually attempt any of the DIY projects you admire online?

Apparently, many of them are much more difficult than the site would lead you to believe. Below, you’ll find some of the most hilarious Pinterest versus reality fails that people have shared of their own projects. Whether you’re a craft expert or not, we hope you enjoy scrolling through these unfortunate attempts.”

#1 Our Christmas Craft of the Day Didn’t Turn Out So Good

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#2 Reality differs.

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#3 Pinterest versus Reality

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#4 I’m at a loss for words, except it didn’t turn out like the picture.

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#5 Pinterest vs. Reality

#6 At least I made the effort.

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#7 We definitely nailed it.

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#8  Pinterest Really Let Me Down

#9 Pinterest fail

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#10 Up-and-coming artist

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#11 We could all use a laugh, so here’s my epic Pinterest fail from this morning.

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I actually did some quick thinking and poured the clementine caramel out of the pan onto oiled parchment, then layered another piece on top. Now, I have clementine caramel shards to use instead.

#12 Pinterest Fail

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#13 I attempted to build a book igloo with my students after spotting the idea on Pinterest.

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When it comes to common mistakes people make when starting a DIY project, Brandy emphasizes the importance of reading through the entire article or post before beginning. “I’ve made that mistake many times,” she admits. “Starting recipes before ensuring I have all the ingredients, or not buying the right supplies for a DIY project because I only glanced at the supply list. I do not recommend substituting items or skipping steps unless you are an expert!

#14 A friend followed Pinterest instructions to create an Oscar the Grouch costume for her guinea pig.

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#15 Followed the Pinterest directions precisely.

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If you find yourself consistently starting DIY projects that don’t turn out as expected, Our Home Made Easy offers some insights into what might be going wrong. First, they highlight that many people underestimate the amount of work these projects entail. Often, we don’t allocate enough time, or we abandon them prematurely because we’ve bitten off more than we can chew. To mitigate this, ensure you fully comprehend the project requirements before starting and avoid working under tight deadlines.

#16 My Mother: “I Found This New Website, Pinterest, It’s Very Cool”. 10 Minutes Later: Easter Decorations

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