Tiny Owl Under A Mushroom Images That Went Viral (10 Pics)

owl under a mushroom

After this adorable picture of an owl under a mushroom trying to hide from the rain was all over the internet, we were compelled to contact photographer Tanja Brandt to find out more about the picture.

“Poldi, Our Owl, is now 1.5 years old. I bought him at just five months old. He was reluctant to break out of his egg, and he was tiny, one of the tiniest. Six of his sisters were born, and since he was the final to be born, a few days later than his siblings, he was tiny. I also have a Harris Hawk named Phonix and a Weissgesichtseule called Gandalf as well as a snow owl called Usch.” Tanja Told us.

“My animals seem to love being photographed. Why? Because I’m always out with my camera and my pets. This means we walk with each other, play, and go on adventures. We also take breaks… It is fun to snap photos, and then the animals have a chance to play when we go on. I know my animals well and can observe their mood. If I leave with only one animal, the others become agitated and want to join us. We can have plenty of fun.”

“I’ve always been a lover of animals since the time I was a child and not like the majority of my family. When I was a child, I stumbled across all kinds of animals and kept them away from my parents. I admire animals’ power, beauty, loyalty, courage, and love. A lot of people can benefit from their experiences.”

owl under a mushroom
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Owl Under a Mushroom

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photographer tranja brandt

We thank Tanja Brandt for the lovely images and sharing her ideas with us.